Ride for the Future Project

Urumuri – Rwanda

  • Bugesera District, Kigali, Rwanda
  • Financial support
  • Theoretical and practical training with certification
  • Promotion of future-oriented trades and soft mobility
  • Job opportunities at the end of training

complete training


trained students become trainers

It’s well known that Rwanda is a land of cycling. Not only on a sporting and international level, but above all as a means of daily transport, which is very widespread given the quality of many roads.

The lack of equipment and difficulties in obtaining supplies (bicycles, spare parts, etc.) prompted this association to come up with an ingenious, functional and innovative solution, by creating its own bamboo bicycle frames. This construction requires specially trained people. Similarly, the maintenance of bicycles, whether industrial or artisanal, requires specialists. It’s a niche that’s perfectly suited to young girls/women. But first, the “trainers” had to be trained with the support of professionals from various branches (carpentry, mechanics, welding, economic-financial management and budgeting, etc.) and specialists from France and Switzerland.

Once this was done, a first batch of 24 apprentices (80% of them women) was selected and began their training in March 2024 for 6 months, followed by a 3-month internship with one of the partners.

The Ride for the Future project impressed the FH with its originality, creativity and, above all, the excellent prospects it offers.

Latest news: November 2024, visit from the President of the Hermann Foundation

The Urumuri project, Ride for the future, is based in Nyamata, an hour’s drive from Kigali Rwanda.

Needless to say, the welcome was warm. Once the initial shyness was overcome, the smiles, songs and dances made it possible to express all the gratitude that apprentices and trainers have for having had the chance to participate in such a program. Lots of emotions when everyone described their very difficult journey.

Joëlle Huguenin, coordinator of the Urumuri project in Rwanda, with Alexis (vice-president), Yvan (manager), Dorothée (socio-therapist) and Faustine (translator) proudly led a visit to the premises where future professionals are trained , 8 women and 4 boys, in the mechanics and maintenance of bicycles, their bamboo manufacturing and welding. The five trainers, also trained by Urumuri, are very motivated to pass on their knowledge in turn, supervised in particular by the socio-therapist whose work unites the team and restores confidence in the future to all participants.

Group photo of all the apprentices, trainers and support staff, with Joëlle and Jocelyne

The prospects for future graduates are excellent, as the bicycle is the priority means of transport, whether for goods or people (velo taxi), in this least hilly region of the country.

The selection of future apprentices (80% girls/women) for 2025 training has already started.

In agreement with the local authorities, Joëlle and her helpers are also working to improve all conditions in Nyamata, particularly in terms of security and health coverage.

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