Yes Project


  • Singida & Dodoma, Tanzania
  • Professional trainings
  • Basic education
  • Young people 16-30 years old

This project is similar to the SKY project in Ethiopia which had to be interrupted due to the deadly conflicts in the region.

This time, in Tanzania, in a region without major turbulence, it is a question of training young people (60% of girls/women) by schooling them and giving them vocational training, with the key being a diploma recognized by the state. . Teachers are paid on the basis of success. The young people trained are encouraged to become entrepreneurs and encouraged to train other young people in turn, according to the same principle of remuneration.

© photos: Franz Thiel – Helvetas

The purpose of this system is to cause a snowball effect which must eventually become self-supporting. A good basis for the development of young people, especially girls/women, which should not only benefit them and their families, but also the whole community and region.

Last news:

During the 1st half of 2023, most of the activities set out in the project work plan were implemented, and all the targets set for this reference period were achieved.
374 young people (including 155 women) received short-term practical training tailored to the local job market. 125 apprentices (including 66 women) were trained in marketing agricultural products. 76 apprentices (including 67 women) were trained by nine local artisans in hairdressing, bakery, food production and processing, sewing, painting, secretarial work, telephone repair and carpentry.
In addition, an employment audit of 634 graduates (including 388 women) in 2022 and 2023 shows that 408 young people (63% women) are employed.

© photos: Simon B. Opladen – Helvetas

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